About the Podcast
I am a writer and audiobook narrator. If you would like to know more, check out my narration page on my blog here.
I love stories, I write them myself, but however much stories are fun to read, there is something about the spoken word which is exciting. I think there is a very simple reason for this. Speaking, making noises to communicate with each other, is completely natural to the human being. We are born with the right bit in the brain to handle language. However, writing and reading it not natural. It is a skill that has to be learned.
As a narrator, I narrate my own and other writer's books; great big things that go on for hours.
This podcast is my chance to tackle little stories, especially folk tales, myths and fairy tales. I will be recording famous stories, forgotten stories, my own stories, and, I hope, stories from new writers who are just starting out and want to show off what they can do. (See below if you are interested).
When it comes to stories such as those collected by the Brothers Grimm, I am putting my own twist on them. There is a bit of tradition for doing this as the Bothers Grimm themselves cleaned out some of the worst violence!
I am not bringing them up to date, but where there is extreme sexism or racism, for instance, I will do a little re-write. This is not me being "PC" but simply changing the stories so I am comfortable with them.
And while sticking to the original words as much as possible, expect the odd little change of phrase to make it more me and sometimes more fun!
That was the art of the Bards. They often told the same stories, but they changed them to suit their own style, personality, and culture. It keeps things alive.
More or Less Family Friendly
I am not recording this aimed at children in particular, but because some of the stories will be familiar to young listeners, I am taking that into account. There will be violence, for that is the core of so many myths and fairy tales, but it will not be gratuitous. There will not be any very strong language and a noticeable lack of anything erotic. Most of the stories don't have that sort of content anyway.
So, hopefully, everyone can get something out of this.
I do hope you comment on the shows and sign up for my newsletter.
On Twitter and Instagram I am using the hashtag #deepinthedarkforest - so use that or react to one of my posts. And you can find me on Facebook too. I might allow comments on this site, but I haven't decided yet.
But if you comment just to be nasty, sorry, you will either be ignored or deleted. I am working on the old principle "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything." We have far too much commenting on the internet now which is just people getting kicks out of bullying people and pretending it is their right to make "criticism."
So, be nice! This is all about fun, and I am not charging!
And of course, if I pick up anything interesting from any of you, I might well pop it in the show.
I have a Story
I am hoping to also read stories sent from new writers. I can't pay for these, but I will make sure that I link to your website, social media, or create a profile page on this site if you send me enough info.
The majority of the stories I will be reading will be around 20 to 30 minutes long, that is around 3500-4500 words.
If you want to write a story and submit it to me for possible inclusion, here is a guide:
- Stories must fit in with my Storyteller style, so something that would not be out of place alongside Hans Christian Anderson or the Brothers Grimm. If you can imagine some idiot sat in an ancient tavern, wearing a large, daft hat, and telling your story, then you are heading in the right direction.
- They must fit in with this vague idea of family friendly, but do not have to be written for children.
- They can be set in the past, be contemporary, or a complete flight of fancy.
- They should have a twist at the end, possibly a moral.
- They don't have to be comedic, but do make sure people are entertained.
- Remember I am a bloke with a deep voice. That doesn't mean I can't do female characters (I like doing female characters), but it might be odd if the narrator is meant to be female! That won't work.
- Your story should be written to a high standard. As this is being read out loud and performed, make sure it doesn't waffle needlessly. Short and sharp lines work better. Remember with the old tales I am adapting them to make them better to read, but I won't do that with yours, so it needs to be performable.
- It must be written in English, fully edited, properly proofread. I will want the script as a Word Doc, Times New Roman, 12pt, Double Line spaces, first line indented. Just like your would submit to a publisher.
You might want to listen to Episode 9. That has two stories - one from me and one from Hans Christian Andersen. It might give you a good clue.
New Episode - 9: The Little Match Girl
If you want to submit, send me a message via the contact form or on social media and we will talk in more detail. I will only be reading out those that I feel I can do justice to, just so you are warned. If the story is not my sort of thing, or not a style or theme I can work with, I will pass on it. Don't take it as a criticism of your work, it just won't be for me. I don't think I am in the position to judge other people's work, so it is down to whether I can do it justice or not.
Enjoy the podcast and don't forget to subscribe to your favourite service using the buttons at the bottom.
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